Lindsay Wheelock
- I race a ’21 Copo Camaro, ’21 Dodge Challenger DragPak; and a 1986 Ford Mustang. All drag racing! The mustang is 1/8 mile. The camaro and dragpak are ¼ mile racing in the NHRA
- I started my first season in 2020
- I got my start in drag racing when my husband signed me up to try drag racing. He signed me up without my knowing, and when I found out…I panicked
- He told me “try it once for me, if you don’t like it, I will never ask you to do it again.” And the rest was history.
- The Indianapolis Raceway Park where the notorious NHRA U.S Nationals go down is my hometrack!!
- I do it for the thrill and to prove to myself to never quit trying things that scare you because you are capable of anything. I have always loved anything fast and fun. After having my three babies, I thought my life was over and that dedicating my life to raising them was all I had left to do. I learned through drag racing that I quit trying new things after becoming a mom. The shock of motherhood for me was all the “trying new things” that I thought I needed. Being a mom is no doubt a new challenge, but you can lose yourself along the way and forget about the things that you used to love. I grew up riding snowmobiles, four-wheelers, jet skis, boats, etc. That was my passion. So finding that yet again, with my family beside me has been the experience of a lifetime.
- With that being said, I would tell a first-timer interested in motorsports to GO FOR IT. It’s always easier to say no to opportunities than it is to say yes. My yes changed my life for the better. Don’t let the fear of obstacles get in your way. It sounds annoying and cliché to say, but it’s truth. To be more specific, let me break the gameplan down to simple facts for you. Do want to start drag racing? Yes? Then take whatever vehicle you have, it doesn’t have to be a racecar. Take your minivan or little beat up daily to your closest drag racing strip on a night when they’re having a “test and tune”. Smile when you get there and tell people your story. Let them know it’s your first time and you have very little clue of what to do, the drag racing community is so nice. Someone, if not the track officials, will show you how to stage your car and take it down the track safely. After you’ve tried it, and you fall in love….start working to save up for a faster car and get after it!